PKK terror group's logistics head ‘neutralized’

PKK terror group's logistics head ‘neutralized’

Hasan Cakmak confirmed dead in July 13 airstrikes in northern Iraq, Turkish military says

By Mehmet Tosun

ANKARA (AA) - Turkish military on Thursday confirmed that PKK terror group's logistics head Hasan Cakmak was “neutralized” in July 13 airstrikes in northern Iraq.

Hasan Cakmak, who was also known by his code name Delil Karakocan, was one of the three terrorists killed in the airstrikes, a statement by Turkish General Staff said.

Turkish authorities often use the word "neutralized" in their statements to imply the terrorists in question either surrendered or were killed or captured.

The PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and the EU -- resumed its armed campaign against Turkey in July 2015.

Since then, it has been responsible for the deaths of more than 1,200 Turkish security personnel and civilians, including a number of women and children.

Turkish military also shared footages of the operation on its official Twitter account.

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