Poland says it fixed damaged Druzhba pipeline carrying oil to Europe

Poland says it fixed damaged Druzhba pipeline carrying oil to Europe

1 of 2 branches of pipeline shut off Saturday after leak detected near Chodecz

By Murat Temizer

WARSAW (AA) - Polish pipeline operator PERN said Tuesday it repaired a leak in a section of the Druzhba pipeline where authorities had detected a leak.

PERN said technical services "restored full functionality of the damaged pipeline on Monday evening."

"Now the company's focus will focus on clearing the area and restoring it to its proper condition," it said.

On Saturday, one of two branches of the pipeline was shut off after a leak was detected near Chodecz in central Poland on one of the two lines of the western sections through which oil reaches Germany.

The Druzhba oil pipeline, which began operation in 1964, is one of the world’s largest and can carry 2 million barrels per day.

All its branches are around 5.5 kilometers (3,417 miles). It carries crude oil from Siberia, the Urals and the Caspian Sea to Europe.

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