Police arrest 63 in Belgium as violent protests in France spread to Brussels

Police arrest 63 in Belgium as violent protests in France spread to Brussels

Wave of violent protests in France continues after police killed Nahel M, 17, in Paris suburb earlier this week

By Selen Temizer

BRUSSELS (AA) - The number of demonstrators arrested in Brussels rose to 63 on Friday as protests sparked by the killing of a teen by police in France spread to Belgium.

The arrests came after fighting between protesters and police in the Anneessens area, with 48 minors arrested.

Demonstrations late Thursday in central Brussels saw protesters smash windows at bus stops and set vehicles on fire.

There were also protests in Lemonnier that prompted the closure of the Anneessens metro station.

France has seen a wave of violent protests since a police officer shot 17-year-old Nahel M. in the Paris suburb of Nanterre on June 27.

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