Poor Gazans protest WFP aid suspension

Poor Gazans protest WFP aid suspension

In October, WFP suspended its food aid due to lack of finance

By Nour Abu Aisha

GAZA CITY, Palestine (AA) – Dozens of poor families in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday protested recent aid cuts by the World Food Program (WFP).

Gathering outside the headquarters of the UN Development Program (UNDP) in Gaza City, protesters waved banners calling for the resumption of aid to Palestinian families in the strip.

“We have come here to demand the resumption of food aid,” Samir al-Laham, one of the protestors, told Anadolu Agency.

“We don’t have any other source to feed our families except the aid,” added al-Laham, the breadwinner of a 10-member family.

Adnan Meshaal, one of the beneficiaries of the WFP aid, said his family was “totally dependent on food aid” provided by the program.

In October, 35 institutions benefiting from WFP in Gaza said the program has suspended its food aid due to lack of finance.

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