Powerful explosion rocks city of Sergiyev Posad near Moscow

Powerful explosion rocks city of Sergiyev Posad near Moscow

Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical plant being evacuated after blast, according to Russian emergency services

By Elena Teslova

MOSCOW (AA) – A powerful explosion occurred at a plant in the city of Sergiyev Posadm 74 kilometers (45.9 miles) off Russia's capital Moscow.

“The explosion occurred on the territory of the Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical plant in the boiler room area. The blast wave knocked out windows in several houses in different parts of the city,” the Russian state news agency TASS said, citing sources in the emergency services.

The plant's management announced an evacuation of all buildings and workshops.

The governor of the Moscow region, Andrey Vorobyov, said that he was en route to the place of the incident.

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