Pregnant police officer killed in southeast Turkey

Pregnant police officer killed in southeast Turkey

Officer dies in car-bomb attack on police station in Mardin province, hospital source says

MARDIN, Turkey (AA) - A pregnant police officer has become the fourth fatality of a car-bomb attack on a police station in southeast Turkey on Wednesday, a hospital source said.

According to the source, who spoke to Anadolu Agency on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on speaking to the media, the officer was six months pregnant when she was pronounced dead at a local hospital.

They added that another police officer martyred in the blast was also a woman. She died at the scene in Midyat, a town in Mardin province, alongside two civilians.

The two officers were on duty at the entrance to the police station when the explosion hit at around 11 a.m. local time (0900GMT).

More than 30 others were wounded in the blast, which caused heavy damage to nearby buildings.

A security source told Anadolu Agency that the PKK was responsible for the attack.

Mardin is among the southeastern provinces that have seen heightened PKK activity since the group - listed as a terror organization by Turkey, the U.S. and EU - resumed its armed campaign in July last year.

During that period, around 500 security personnel have been martyred and more than 4,900 PKK terrorists killed in operations across Turkey and northern Iraq.

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