PYD/PKK rocket attack devastates family in north Syria

PYD/PKK rocket attack devastates family in north Syria

Terror group is ruining lives of civilians living along Turkish-Syrian border following Operation Olive Branch

By Kerem Kocalar

KILIS/AZAZ (AA) - The PYD/PKK terror organization has once again demonstrated its ugly face by destroying dreams of the Tavil family, who live in Azaz district of Aleppo in northern Syria.

It is well known that the PYD/PKK targets mosques, hospitals and schools. On Monday, the terror group targeted Tavil family in Azaz with rockets as they were heading to work on a farm; a child lost his life while five others were injured in the incident.

The Tavil family lost their 10-year-old son, Abir, on Monday. Words cannot describe the pain experienced by the family, they said.

Among other family members injured in the rocket attack were: 2-year-old Surayya, 4-year-old Ahmad, 11-year-old Yousuf and 13-year-old Sayma and their uncle.

Sayma, who was taken to a hospital in southern Kilis province, will be operated upon Tuesday. The young girl remains unaware of the death of her brother Abir.

Amer Tavil, who was with his younger sister Sayma at the hospital, told Anadolu Agency he was at a loss of words to explain what happened during the attack.

“They left home yesterday afternoon for agricultural work at the farm and sometime later we heard the bad news of the attack,” he said.

"They (PYD/PKK) shoot whoever comes in front of them. They don’t care who they are. They just shoot and kill.

"My family didn’t carry any gun. They were just trying to earn a living. My little brother was killed by those terrorists."

Another civilian also lost his life on Monday to a PYD/PKK terror attack in northern Syria's Azaz district; the rocket attack launched from Afrin had also injured five other civilians.

The terror organization has accelerated its attacks on civilians in Turkey’s southern Kilis and Hatay provinces as well as Azaz district of Syria in order to counter the Turkish army's ongoing operation in Afrin.

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