PYD/PKK supporters attack Turkish citizens in Germany

PYD/PKK supporters attack Turkish citizens in Germany

Several Turkish citizens punched at Hannover airport by supporters of terrorist group

BERLIN (AA) - Sympathizers of the PYD/PKK terror organization attacked Turkish citizens at Germany’s Hannover airport Monday after a verbal confrontation over Turkey’s military operation in northwest Syria.

Police said dozens of protestors and passengers clashed after sympathizers of the PYD/PKK attempted to hold an unauthorized demonstration at the airport.

Multiple videos posted on social media showed the pro-PYD/PKK protestors shouting anti-Turkey slogans and punching Turkish passengers following a verbal exchange.

Hannover police said officers had to use pepper spray to prevent further clashes and later opened a criminal investigation against a number of suspects.

At least two people were slightly injured during the brawl.

Supporters of the PYD/PKK have organized demonstrations in various German cities to protest Turkey’s ongoing military operation against the terrorist group’s targets in northwest Syria.

Turkey on Saturday launched Operation Olive Branch to remove PYD/PKK and Daesh terrorists from Afrin.

The PKK has been banned in Germany since 1993, but it is still active with nearly 14,000 followers among the country's Kurdish immigrant population.

Germany has a 3-million-strong Turkish community, many of whom are second- and third-generation German-born citizens of Turkish descent whose grandparents moved to the country during the 1960s.

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