Qatar again files UN complaint against UAE

Qatar again files UN complaint against UAE

Over airspace violation, Qatar complains to UN against United Arab Emirates in letter for fifth time

By Ahmed al-Masri

DOHA, Qatar (AA) – Qatar on Thursday filed a complaint with the UN Security Council regarding alleged violations of its national airspace by the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

In a letter to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and March 2018 Dutch President of the UN Security Council, Karel Van Oosterom, Qatar’s Permanent Representative to the UN Alya Ahmed bin Saif Al-Thani said a UAE military cargo plane violated Qatari airspace on March 4, according to the official Qatar News Agency.

The letter described the alleged violation is an open breach of international laws and warned that such attempts threaten the regional stability.

It called on the UN Security Council to take all necessary measures to safeguard international peace and security.

Qatar already filed four complaints to the UN against the UAE over its violation of Qatari airspace.

Last year, the UAE and Bahrain, along with Egypt and Saudi Arabia, severed diplomatic and trade relations with Qatar, accusing Doha of supporting terrorism.

Qatar has consistently denied the allegations, accusing the four-nation bloc of infringing on its sovereignty.

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