Qatar daily re-launches supplement devoted to Turkey

Qatar daily re-launches supplement devoted to Turkey

In cooperation with Anadolu Agency, Al-Sharq newspaper resumes carrying supplement devoted to Turkish history, culture

By Eman Nassar

ISTANBUL (AA) – Following a brief hiatus, Qatari Arabic-language daily Al-Sharq -- in cooperation with Anadolu Agency -- has resumed carrying its "Eye on Turkey" supplement.

The move comes within the context of Anadolu Agency’s ongoing efforts to familiarize Arab readers with various aspects of Turkish history and culture.

Al-Sharq published the first edition of "Eye on Turkey" in June 2012, running 21 more editions over the following two years.

According to Ahmed Yusuf, Anadolu Agency’s representative in Qatar, upcoming editions will provide readers with "new topics and content" related to Turkey, with a particular focus on contemporary Turkish literature.

*Anadolu Agency correspondent Mahmoud Barakat contributed to this report from Ankara.

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