Qatar summons US ambassador over flag video

Qatar summons US ambassador over flag video

Doha summons US ambassador over video that appears to show American troops disparaging Qatar

By Ahmed al-Masri

DOHA (AA) – Qatar’s Foreign Ministry on Thursday summoned U.S. ambassador in Doha Dana Shell Smith over a video that emerged of U.S. troops who appear to be making disparaging comments about Qatar.

In a statement, the ministry said Smith had been summoned to "seek clarification" regarding the video.

The U.S. diplomat, for her part, apologized to the Qatari government and called on the U.S. military to investigate the footage.

The video shows two U.S. soldiers in army fatigues standing in front of an American and a Qatari flag.

One of the soldiers acts as if he is unable to say the word "Qatar", likely due to security reasons.

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