Recently fired French woman wins more than $116 million in lottery

Recently fired French woman wins more than $116 million in lottery

Winner says being struck by lightning has higher probability than winning lottery: ‘It seems that fate decided otherwise’

By Alaattin Dogru

A French woman, who was recently fired from her job, has won a record €109.3 million ($116.5 million) jackpot in the lottery.

The FDJ, organizer of France's national lottery, said in a statement Wednesday that the woman in her 50s who lives in Morbihan bought a EuroMillions ticket and later realized she had won when she checked.

She said being struck by lightning has a higher probability than winning the lottery. "It seems that fate decided otherwise," she said.

The woman preferred not to be identified.

She noted she will no longer face the pressure of work which made her worry and that she is planning to buy a house and travel to Mexico or Thailand.

Kaynak:Source of News

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