Released Turkish lecturer arrives in Turkey from Israel

Released Turkish lecturer arrives in Turkey from Israel

Tekeli was detained by Israeli police on Jan. 15 at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport

By Kenan Irtak

ISTANBUL (AA) – A Turkish lecturer, who was released by Israeli authorities early Sunday, has arrived in Istanbul.

Cemil Tekeli, Istanbul Medeniyet University's Assistant Law Professor, arrived aboard a Turkish Airlines flight from Tel Aviv and was welcomed at Ataturk International Airport by his wife Meryem Tekeli, his daughter Merve Canan Tekeli and others.

He left the airport without giving any statements while his relatives waiting for him at the exit chanted slogans including “murderer Israel will be held accountable”.

Tekeli was detained by Israeli police on Jan. 15 at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport after he attended a program in Jerusalem that began on Jan 11.

The reason of his detention remains unclear as Israeli courts and authorities refrained from issuing any statements on Tekeli and authorities had rejected Anadolu Agency correspondent’s demand to follow his trial.

Previously speaking to Anadolu Agency, Tekeli’s wife said: "My husband was unlawfully arrested, we are in shock. We only went to Jerusalem for travel reasons. My husband is innocent… Israeli authorities are not giving us any information."

Earlier, his detention had been extended for several times until he was released on Sunday.

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