Relentless rains ravage Eastern Africa

Relentless rains ravage Eastern Africa

Rains, floods displace thousands, leaving widespread damage in Kenya

By Andrew Wasike

NAIROBI, Kenya (AA) – A relentless wave of torrential rains has left a trail of devastation across East Africa.

From the streets of Nairobi to coastal Mauritius, communities are grappling with widespread flooding, infrastructure damage, and tragic loss of life.

Kenya is among the worst affected countries, reeling from the impact of relentless downpours that have triggered devastating floods across the nation.

Across the country, swollen rivers have overflowed, submerging entire houses, businesses, and vital infrastructure.

Thousands of residents have been forced to evacuate, seeking refuge in temporary shelters.

Nairobi, the country's capital, is experiencing severe traffic paralysis due to fallen trees and flooded roads.

In Kenya, meteorologists have warned that the rains are expected to continue in the coming days.

"Moderate to heavy rainfall is likely across multiple areas within the Nairobi metropolis," the Kenya Meteorological Department said in a statement.

"Occasional storms are also likely to be experienced in some parts of the country," the statement added.

Kenya Red Cross reported on Wednesday that it saved hundreds of people across the Kenyan capital, most of whom were trapped in submerged houses.

Since the rainy season started, the Red Cross has reported over a dozen deaths across Kenya.

Daniel Naburi, a climate expert, told Anadolu: "Climate change is intensifying extreme weather events like the heavy rains and flooding currently ravaging Eastern Africa."

"As these events become more frequent and severe, it's imperative that we take urgent action to mitigate their impact and build more resilient communities," he added.

The crisis extends far beyond Kenya's borders. In Mauritius, the incessant downpour has forced the closure of schools and government offices, bringing daily life to a standstill on the island nation.

Tanzania has witnessed severe incidents of flooding, with reports of homes collapsing and roads becoming impassable.

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is also struggling with rising water levels, with communities along major rivers facing significant displacement. The flooding has exacerbated an already dire humanitarian situation in many parts of the DRC.

Tragically, South Africa's coastal city of Durban has recorded multiple deaths attributed to the severe flooding, according to authorities. The rains have caused mudslides and the collapse of infrastructure, leaving a trail of destruction.

Rescue and relief efforts are underway across the affected regions as governments and humanitarian organizations scramble to provide food, shelter, and medical aid to displaced families.

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