Roadside bomb kills 3 in Iraq's Fallujah

Roadside bomb kills 3 in Iraq's Fallujah

Three other workers were injured in attack

By Sulaiman al-Qubaisi

BAGHDAD (AA) – Three Iraqi workers were killed in a roadside bomb explosion in the western city of Fallujah on Tuesday, according to a local police officer.

A device exploded near a vehicle carrying construction workers in Naimiya district, west of Fallujah, police captain Ahmed al-Dulaimi told Anadolu Agency.

"Three workers were killed and three others injured in the attack," he said.

Al-Dulaimi said Daesh militants are active in the area and launch attacks from time to time against civilians and security forces.

In late 2017, Baghdad declared victory over the notorious terrorist group following a three-year war that ended with the fall of Mosul, Daesh’s last major stronghold in Iraq.

The Iraqi army, however, continues to wage frequent operations against Daesh "sleeper cells", which officials claim are still active in certain parts of the country.

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