Romania summons Hungarian envoy over prime minister's remarks

Romania summons Hungarian envoy over prime minister's remarks

In weekend visit to Romania, Hungarian prime minister said he was officially asked to not talk about sensitive issues

By Talha Ozturk

BELGRADE, Serbia (AA) - Romania's Foreign Ministry on Monday summoned the Hungarian ambassador over Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s weekend speech in Transylvania.

Orban on Saturday at the Baile Tusnad Summer University said that the Romanian Foreign Ministry had sent him a list of recommendations in relation to the topics he should avoid such as national symbols which may be sensitive for Romanians and the collective rights of minorities.

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto confirmed the development, saying it was not a big surprise that Ambassador Zakonyi Botond in Bucharest was called to the Romanian Foreign Ministry.

"We are interested in the cooperation between the two countries to be based on mutual respect, as it is only for the benefit of both countries and both nations. On our part, we will continue to strive for this, we will always speak honestly and in a language of respect about our plans, goals, and the evaluation of the current situation," said Szijjarto.

The Foreign Ministry said that they have repeatedly called for restraint in the statements of Hungarian officials during private visits to Romania.

According to the Foreign Ministry, Orban’s statements are at odds with the aim to promote pragmatic, constructive, and good neighborly relations of cooperation between the two countries.

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