Ruling party's refusal to acknowledge '1992 Consensus' hinders communication with Taiwan: China

Ruling party's refusal to acknowledge '1992 Consensus' hinders communication with Taiwan: China

'Mainland and Taiwan both belong to one and the same China, and Taiwan is a part of China,' says Beijing

By Anadolu staff

ANKARA (AA) - China said Wednesday that Taiwan's ruling party's refusal to acknowledge the "1992 Consensus" is hindering its communication with Taipei, according to state media.

"The root cause hindering cross-Strait communication lies in the Democratic Progressive Party authorities' stubborn adherence to the 'Taiwan independence' separatist stance and their refusal to acknowledge the '1992 Consensus,'" said Zhu Fenglian, spokeswoman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of China.

She denounced remarks by Taiwan's President Lai Ching-te who said the two sides of the Taiwan Strait "are not subordinate to each other" and characterized the comments as a typical "Taiwan independence fallacy."

"The mainland and Taiwan both belong to one and the same China, and Taiwan is a part of China. This fact cannot and will never be changed," she said.

China considers Taiwan its "breakaway" province while Taipei has maintained its independence since 1949.

Zhu also flayed Lai's remarks as being "false and lacking both historical and legal basis, while only serving to expose his separatist intentions."

She said that Beijing always supports and promotes dialogue and consultation between the two sides of the Strait based on the "1992 Consensus," thereby actively enhancing cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation.

She accused Taiwan's leader of inciting cross-strait confrontation and seeking separatist schemes.

"Condoning such moves will undoubtedly bring huge disasters to Taiwan compatriots," she said.

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