Russia claims it captured 2 villages in eastern Ukraine

Russia claims it captured 2 villages in eastern Ukraine

This comes after Russia claimed capture of eastern Ukraine's Shumy settlement on Saturday, and Rozdolivka settlement on Friday

By Serdar Dincel

ISTANBUL (AA) - Russia on Sunday claimed to have taken control of two villages in Ukraine's eastern Donetsk region.

A statement made by the Russian Defense Ministry claimed: "Units of the Yug Group of Forces liberated Spornoye (Donetsk People's Republic), and the Tsentr Group of Forces liberated Novoaleksandrovka (Donetsk People's Republic)."

It added that many weapons and military equipments, including US-made munitions, were destroyed.

This comes after Russia claimed the capture of the eastern Ukraine's Shumy settlement on Saturday, and the Rozdolivka settlement on Friday.

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