Russia claims its forces took control of 2 settlements in eastern Ukraine

Russia claims its forces took control of 2 settlements in eastern Ukraine

Russian Defense Ministry claims settlements of Artymovka in Luhansk region and Tymkivka in Kharkiv region went under control of Russian forces

By Elena Teslova

MOSCOW (AA) - Russia claimed on Tuesday that its forces have taken control of two settlements in eastern Ukraine.

The Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement that the Zapad group of forces took over the settlement of Artymovka in the Luhansk region and the village of Tymkivka in the Kharkiv region.

"The settlements of Artymovka of the Luhansk People's Republic and Tymkivka of the Kharkiv region have been liberated by the active actions of units of the Zapad group of troops," the ministry said.

The defense service noted that Russia's north, center, and south groups of forces have improved their battlefield positions.

According to the statement, many weapons and military equipment made in the West and in Ukraine were destroyed.

Ukraine has yet to comment on Russia's claims.

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