Russia, North Korea to resume passenger train service in July

Russia, North Korea to resume passenger train service in July

Train to run between Russian Pacific port city of Vladivostok and North Korean city of Rason, says Primorsky Krai governor

By Elena Teslova

MOSCOW (AA) - Moscow and Pyongyang have agreed to resume passenger train services between Vladivostok, a main Russian Pacific port city, and the North Korean city of Rason, said Oleg Kozhemyako, the governor of Russia’s Far East Primorsky Krai, on Wednesday.

Speaking at a festival of goods from North Korea or the Democratic People’s Republic Korea (DPRK) in Vladivostok, Kozhemyako said the launch of traffic is scheduled for July.

Speaking at a festival in Vladivostok showcasing products from North Korea, Kozhemyako said the two-way traffic start date is set for July.

"We will launch direct passenger service in July... Trains between Vladivostok and Rason will be launched. It will be very convenient for passengers and tourists to board a train in Vladivostok and travel directly to the DPRK while enjoying the beauty, nature, and culture there, as well as learning about customs and traditions," he said.

He noted that children from North Korea will come to rest at the All-Russian Children's Center Ocean in Vladivostok, while children from Primorsky Krai will spend their summer vacation in the DPRK.

On June 6, the Russian authorities said the first passenger train left Primorsky Krai for the DPRK after a break due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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