Russia reports 5 killed in Ukrainian drone strike

Russia reports 5 killed in Ukrainian drone strike

2 injured receiving hospital care, says deputy governor of Russian region of Kursk

By Emre Gurkan Abay

MOSCOW (AA) — Five people, including two children, were killed in a Ukrainian drone strike in Russia's western Kursk region, local authorities said on Saturday.

"Tragically, five people, including two children, lost their lives in the attack," Alexei Smirnov said in a statement.

The attack targeted the village of Gorodishche, Smirnov said, adding that two were injured and receiving hospital treatment.

Separately, Russia's Defense Ministry said overnight drone strikes on the Tver, Bryansk, and Belgorod regions had been thwarted.

Ukraine has yet to comment on the incidents.

*Writing by Esra Tekin in Istanbul

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