Russia says flood situation in Primorsky region ‘stabilizing’

Russia says flood situation in Primorsky region ‘stabilizing’

More than 5,000 people, including 750 children, evacuated, says Emergency Situations Ministry

By Burc Eruygur

ISTANBUL (AA) - Russia on Thursday said flood situation in the country’s eastern Primorsky region is “stabilizing” after heavy rains brought by Typhoon Khanun.

The Emergency Situations Ministry in a statement on Telegram said as many as 404 residential buildings and 301 plots were cleared of floodwaters in the past day, indicating water levels are receding.

“Rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dried 130 houses. Water was pumped out of the basements of 107 residential buildings. Communication with 17 settlements has been restored,” the statement added.

Meanwhile, in the Ussuriysk and Oktyabrsky districts, power supply was disrupted in seven settlements, the release said.

The ministry said more than 5,000 people were evacuated, 750 of whom are children.

Since early August, heavy rains brought by Typhoon Khanun have resulted in flooding due to rising water levels in rivers in Primorsky and the neighboring regions. Primorsky Governor Oleg Kozhemyako declared a state of emergency on Tuesday.

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