Russia says it thwarted ‘terrorist act’ in Krasnoyarsk region

Russia says it thwarted ‘terrorist act’ in Krasnoyarsk region

2 individuals planned to blow up stations belonging to telecommunications providers, says Federal Security Service

By Burc Eruygur

ISTANBUL (AA) - Russia on Thursday said it prevented a “terrorist act” in the closed town of Zelenogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, state media reported.

“The Federal Security Service of Russia (FSB) for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in cooperation with the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Central Military District … suppressed a terrorist act on the territory of ZATO Zelenogorsk,” state news agency RIA quoted an FSB statement as saying.

The release said the security service detained two supporters of the “Citizens of the USSR” organization that planned to blow up stations belonging to the state-owned Rostelecom and TransTelekom telecommunications companies.

Those detained were going to purchase explosives through a third party, but were detained by FSB personnel during this process, the statement added.

The “Citizens of the USSR” organization is made of disparate groups that believe the Soviet Union continues to exist. It was added to the list of extremist organizations by the Russian Justice Ministry in August 2022.

Zelenogorsk is a closed town, which was involved in the enriching of uranium during the Soviet era. The city remains closed, with access granted only through a special permit.​​​​​​​

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