Russia slams US Summit for Democracy as 'neocolonial practice'

Russia slams US Summit for Democracy as 'neocolonial practice'

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova urges US to abandon 'binary thinking' of 'good guys against bad guys'

By Elena Teslova

MOSCOW (AA) - Russia on Tuesday called the two-day US Summit for Democracy starting on Wednesday a "manifestation of neocolonial practice."

In a comment on Foreign Ministry's website, spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the true goal behind the "summits for democracy" is "to renew and legalize the US tools of external control" of internal affairs of states, force them to look at the world through the lens of the "rules-based order" to serve Washington's global interests.

"Simultaneously, an ideological platform is being formed for fighting those, who the American political elites are trying to label as 'autocracies.' These are, in the first turn, Russia and China," Zakharova stressed.

According to the spokeswoman, under the slogan of countering "autocratic regimes," Washington is trying to consolidate the Western community and pull supporters from outside.

"We believe it is the height of hypocrisy on the part of the American authorities to claim leadership in promoting democratic values on a global scale in conditions when their reputation in this area cannot even be called dubious, it has been completely destroyed," she said.

Zakharova claimed that the organization of regional sessions and appointment of co-chair countries were done "for show," and in reality, the US totally controls the whole process through non-governmental organizations.

The spokeswoman said she expects from the Summit for Democracy "pompous hypocrisy" and anti-Russian statements, taking into account that one of its principal guests is Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who "grossly tramples" democratic freedoms in Ukraine -- shut down several dozens of media outlets, prohibited opponent political parties, cracking down on religious institutions.

"The fact that such characters are invited to speak at the event clearly demonstrates how far Americans are from their stated goals of promoting democratic values," she said.

Zakharova also called "regrettable" the decision by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to take part in the event.

"We strongly oppose the imposition of 'democracy' in the American reading as an indisputable, even the only 'measure of things.' Against the background of chronic internal problems, the US has no moral right to lecture others.

"Binary thinking in the spirit of 'here is black, and there is white' or 'good guys against bad' does not work in real life. And it is certainly not suitable for building serious relations with sovereign states," she argued.

Zakharova said the influence of "neoliberal elites" is declining, their calls and promises are losing trust, while the multipolar world order, based on respect for independence and rights of all people, is gaining pace.​​​​​​​

She urged the US and its allies to stop trying to "democratize" others and drawing dividing lines and to return to abidance with international law and join efforts on creating conditions for peaceful coexistence and mutually beneficial cooperation.

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