Russia starts Ocean Shield 2023 naval exercises in Baltic Sea

Russia starts Ocean Shield 2023 naval exercises in Baltic Sea

Drill involves over 30 military vessels and boats, 20 support vessels, 30 naval aviation and Aerospace Forces of Russia aircraft, and about 6,000 troops, says Defense Ministry

By Elena Teslova

MOSCOW (AA) - The Russian Defense Ministry announced on Wednesday the start of the Ocean Shield 2023 naval exercises in the Baltic Sea.

The drill involves over 30 military vessels and boats, 20 support vessels, 30 naval aviation and Aerospace Forces of Russia aircraft, and approximately 6,000 military personnel, the ministry said in a statement.

The exercises are being conducted under the command of Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Nikolay Evmenov, it added.

The purpose of the naval drills is to assess the Russian Navy's readiness to defend the country's interests in a critical area, as well as the coordination of the various military forces.

"During the exercise, measures for the protection of maritime communications, transportation of armies and military cargo, as well as for the defense of the sea coast will be worked out. In total, it is planned to perform more than 200 combat training, including the practical use of weapons," the ministry said.

After the end of the exercises, the ships and aircraft will return to their permanent bases.

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