Russian man drills his skull 'to control dreams' by implanting chip

Russian man drills his skull 'to control dreams' by implanting chip

40-year-old Mikhail Raduga warns people not to do such experiments and endanger their lives

By Anadolu staff

MOSCOW (AA) – A Russian man's unique idea to "control dreams" by implanting a chip through drilling his skull for "surgery" ended with warnings to people not to do such experiments and endanger their lives.

A video of a 40-year-old Russian man, who introduces himself as Mikhail Raduga and claims to be a "researcher and experimenter," went viral on the Russian social media platform VK recently, showing his skull with wound marks from "surgery" through a drilling machine to implant a chip in an attempt "to control dreams."

He claims he had to seek medical attention for 10 days following what he called "surgery."

According to the man, he drilled his head in Almaty, Kazakhstan’s largest city, where he was recently moved from the Russian city of Novosibirsk.

Initially, he intended to seek the medical assistance of a neurosurgeon, but due to the criminal risks involved, he abandoned the plan and decided to "expand his capabilities."

The "surgery" lasted four hours, according to the pseudo-researcher and experimenter, and he considered giving up several times during the first 30 minutes for fear of losing consciousness due to blood loss.​​​​​​​

He claims in the viral video that he had been planning and preparing for such "surgery" for almost a year and a half, and that he had practiced on sheep heads before drilling his own skull for "operation."

He says of the experiment results, "I was on the verge of death several times. Strong antibiotics were administered for five weeks. Six months of unemployment. Loss of money. And long-term disability."

Raduga now warns others against performing such operations on themselves.

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