S.Korean audit board to conduct probe into disrupted World Scout Jamboree

S.Korean audit board to conduct probe into disrupted World Scout Jamboree

Events from day South Korea won bid to host World Scout Jamboree to come under scrutiny of Board of Audit and Inspection

By Anadolu staff

ISTANBUL (AA) — South Korea's state audit board said Wednesday it was launching a probe into the World Scout Jamboree that the country hosted earlier this month, marred by unfavorable weather and allegedly poor preparations.

The country's Board of Audit and Inspection said it would investigate events since the day Seoul won its bid to host the event, which drew the participation of tens of thousands of scouts from 158 nations.

The event's organizing committee, as well as local authorities in southwestern North Jeolla province where it was held and several government agencies will come under scrutiny during the investigation, Seoul-based Yonhap News reported.

Board officials will inspect the selection process of the Saemangeum Reclaimed Area as the site of the event, infrastructure construction, the functioning of the organizing committee, and a detailed breakdown of the budget totaling 100 billion South Korean won ($75 million).

Around 43,000 participants participated in events that began Aug. 1 and concluded last Friday.

The event was being held in the Saemangeum Reclaimed Area from where participants were transported to Seoul and other regions due to a typhoon and earlier heat wave.

Several diplomatic missions based in Seoul had raised concern with the South Korean government over issues faced by the participants.

Even as dozens of scouts fell ill due to heat wave, the event was later transported out of the Saemangeum Reclaimed Area due to Typhoon Khanun. The South Korean government held a concert last Friday to conclude the mega event.

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