Saudi Arabia aims to plant 50M mangrove trees to combat desertification

Saudi Arabia aims to plant 50M mangrove trees to combat desertification

Country’s first mangrove nursery launched on occasion of International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem

By Ekrem Biceroglu

ISTANBUL (AA) - Saudi Arabia opened its first mangrove nursery on Wednesday, which is targeting to plant 50 million trees by 2030 in the fight against desertification.

John Pagano, chief executive of Red Sea Global, the developer behind the project, said they aim to grow the trees in partnership with the National Center for Vegetation Cover, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

The nursery was launched on the occasion of the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, which is celebrated every year on July 26.

Pagano highlighted the need to find nature-based solutions to overcome challenges while exploring the latest technologies and innovative methods.

He said mangroves are one of the most valuable natural assets and serve as habitats for wildlife.

He added that this species reduces wave impacts, adapts to climate change and promotes high biodiversity.

Mangroves have the capacity to absorb five to 10 times more carbon than other plants, making them among the most beneficial plants for biodiversity, he noted.

*Writing by Necva Tastan

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