Saudi Arabia urges its citizens to ‘immediately’ leave Lebanon

Saudi Arabia urges its citizens to ‘immediately’ leave Lebanon

Call comes amid armed clashes in Lebanon between Palestinian factions, says local media

By Wassim Samih Seifeddine

BEIRUT (AA) - Saudi Arabia's Embassy in Lebanon urged its citizens on Friday to leave the country as soon as possible.

In a statement, the embassy warned Saudi citizens not to visit areas where armed clashes were taking place, the Saudi official news agency SPA reported.

The statement also stressed the importance of adhering to a decision banning Saudi Arabians from traveling to Lebanon.

Since July 29, 12 people have been killed and more than 60 injured in clashes between Palestinian factions in Ain al-Hilweh​​​​​​​, the largest Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon.

It was announced that a cease-fire had been reached between the Palestinian groups in the camp on July 31 under the mediation of Lebanese parties.

Despite this, armed clashes continue to take place between the factions from time to time.​​​​​​​

*Writing by Merve Berker

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