Saudi jailed for five years for 'offending royal court'

Saudi jailed for five years for 'offending royal court'

Citizen sentenced to five years in jail for describing Saudi state institutions as 'sources of corruption', activists say

By Ahmed el-Masri

DOHA, Qatar (AA) - A Saudi court on Thursday slapped a Saudi citizen with a travel ban and five years behind bars for “offending the [Saudi] royal court” in a television interview, the official Al-Ekhbariya TV channel reported.

While the broadcaster did not give the name of the sentenced individual, a number of Saudi online activists have identified him as Saleh al-Shehi, a writer for Saudi daily Al-Watan.

In televised comments on Dec. 8, al-Shehi described Saudi government institutions -- including the royal court -- as “sources of administrative corruption and very bad behavior”.

Notably, since making the comments, al-Shehi has not used his Twitter account or had any articles published in Al-Watan.

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