Schoolchildren hanging mid-air in Pakistan after cable car wire snaps

Schoolchildren hanging mid-air in Pakistan after cable car wire snaps

Rescue efforts ongoing in northwestern Allai Tehsil region, as 8 remain stranded on high-flying cable car

By Riyaz ul Khaliq

ISTANBUL (AA) — At least six schoolchildren in northwestern Pakistan were stranded in the air on Tuesday after the wire of a cable car snapped, local media reported.

Rescue efforts have been ongoing since the wire snapped in Allai Tehsil area of Khyber Pakthtunkhawa province, Dawn News, a local daily, reported.

Eight people were in the cable car when the incident took place at around 8 a.m. local time (0300GMT), it added.

Rescuers have had a difficult time rescuing the stuck passengers due to the height of the cable car, as traverses hilly areas.

"Mid-air, two wires of the cable car snapped leaving them stuck at a height of approximately 3,000 feet (approx. 914 meters)," said local official Mufti Gulamullah.

The cable car is privately run by residenta for transportation across a local river as there are no roads or bridges in the area.

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