Security forces seize bomb-laden vehicle in SE Turkey

Security forces seize bomb-laden vehicle in SE Turkey

Driver, a PKK terrorist, was killed at security checkpoint, says Diyarbakir governorship

DIYARBAKIR, Turkey (AA) – Turkish security forces have seized a bomb-laden tractor on Saturday in Turkey's southeastern Diyarbakir province, the governorship said.

The bomb disposal units detonated the vehicle, which was stopped at a security checkpoint at 2.00 a.m. local time [2300GMT Friday] in the district of Yenisehir of Diyarbakir.

According to a statement issued Saturday, a PKK terrorist driving the tractor was killed after he did not stop at the checkpoint.

On May 12, PKK terrorists had detonated a bomb-laden truck on in Diyarbakir's Sur district. The blast had killed 16 villagers.

The security forces also raided several locations in the provinces of Van and Bingol on Saturday, according to statements from both governorships.

A terrorist was arrested in Van, Turkey’s eastern province while three others were killed in Bingol, also in eastern Turkey.

The police officers also seized guns, hand grenades and ammunition in the operations.

Turkey’s southeast has been the scene of significant military operations since December 2015 as the police and army seek to clear the PKK terrorist organization from urban areas.

The PKK – listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and the EU – resumed its 30-year armed campaign against the Turkish state in July 2015.

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