6 PKK terrorists killed in Siirt, SE Turkey

5 terrorists killed in air-supported operation, and 1 killed in fire exchange on land

By Muhammed Boztepe

ANKARA (AA) - A total of six PKK terrorists were killed in Turkey's southeastern Siirt province, said a Turkish General Staff statement on Saturday.

The statement said PKK terrorists opened harassing fire on Turkish soldiers in the rural area of Siirt's Pervari district early Friday, while the soldiers were passing through the area. The soldiers immediately responded, and one terrorist was killed.

Later on Friday, an air-supported operation was launched against the terrorists in the same area, who were found to be preparing to attack military posts. Five terrorists were killed in the operation.

The PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S., and the EU -- resumed its decades-old armed campaign in July 2015.

Since then, more than 1,200 victims, including security personnel and civilians, have lost their lives.

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