China imposes COVID-19 restrictions in Foshan

Authorities ask residents to undergo home quarantine, not to participate in gatherings, close cinemas, gyms, bars

ANKARA (AA) – China imposed COVID-19 restrictions in another city on Tuesday, following Guangzhou in the south, as the country reported a new coronavirus outbreak, state-run media said.

Local authorities of Foshan city have announced a series of COVID-19 prevention and control measures including issuing stay-at-home orders for residents in some areas and restrictions on people from leaving the city unless they have tested negative for the virus, the daily Global Times reported.

The residents are asked to undergo home quarantine and will not allow to participate in gatherings, confined places like cinemas, gyms, while bars in Chancheng district are also closed.

Travel restrictions came in Foshan after neighboring Guangzhou tightened related restrictions in response to mutant strains amid the resurgence, according to the report.

Foshan had reported two confirmed cases and one asymptomatic case on Sunday while Guangzhou reported 18 confirmed COVID-19 cases on Monday, as the city found its first virus strain detected in India.

China has so far recorded 91,099 cases and 4,636 deaths, while 86,135 people have recovered, according to National Health Commission of China.

*Writing by Islamuddin Sajid

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