France pledges to send hundreds of armored vehicles to Ukraine

French defense chief stresses importance of armored vehicles for Ukraine's ability to maintain a wide front line against Russian forces

France will send hundreds of second-hand armored vehicles to Ukraine by the beginning of next year under a new military aid package, said the nation’s defense chief on Tuesday.

Speaking to La Tribune daily, Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu stressed the importance of the vehicles for Ukraine's ability to maintain a wide front line against Russian forces and the mobility of its military units.

Noting that the French army has replaced its Armored Vanguard Vehicles, which have been in use for more than 40 years, with newer models, Lecornu said the old armored vehicles and Aster-type missiles that are still functional will be sent to Ukraine by 2025.

“There is an emergency in Ukraine's air defense against Russia,” he added.

Lecornu said that they will double the number of Caesar artillery systems produced monthly from six to 12, a move that will provide 78 Caesars to Ukraine in the near term, and also hope to boost the supply of ammunition.

The announcement comes as US military aid to Ukraine, now in the third year of the war, has been stalled for months, hobbling its ability to push back against Russian forces.

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