Morocco’s government program in parliament for voting

– Moroccan parliament to debate and vote on new coalition government's program after months of deadlock

By Mohamed al-Tahiri

RABAT (AA) – Morocco’s new Prime Minister Saadeddine Othmani outlined his coalition government's program during a joint session of the parliament's two chambers Wednesday.

The parliament is expected to spend this week discussing the program before ultimately voting on whether to approve it – a hurdle Othmani will need to pass in order to be inaugurated.

The plan was submitted to parliament after Othmani's government agreed on the draft during their first meeting, earlier Wednesday.

Othmani stressed during the meeting that this government will continue with reforms started under the former government and will maintain its general approach, while also trying to address previous weakness and move forward on "other reforms."

Earlier in April King Muhammad VI approved the country’s new government led by Othmani, a member of the ruling Justice and Development Party (PJD).

Former Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane had been tasked with creating a coalition in October, following the JDP's election win, but was removed after five months of negotiations with other parties failed to produce an agreement.

According a Cabinet statement in March, the king took the decision to appoint someone else to form an administration “in order to get past the current state of deadlock.”

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