Palestinian martyred in alleged car attack in W. Bank

Israeli army claims the Palestinian attempted to ram his vehicle into Israeli forces in Hebron

RAMALLAH, Palestine (AA) – A Palestinian was shot and martyred by Israeli forces in an alleged car-ramming attack in the West Bank on Saturday, according to the Israeli military.

The army said in a statement a Palestinian man was killed as he attempted to ram his vehicle into Israeli forces in the West Bank city of Hebron.

No injuries were reported among Israeli soldiers.

Palestinian Ministry of Health, for its part, confirmed the death, saying the Palestinian man was a resident of central Hebron, without identifying him.

Local residents, however, identified the martyr as Rami Sabarneh, a father of three, from Hebron.

Tension has mounted across the Palestinian territories since last December when U.S. President Donald Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Last month, Washington relocated its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which was occupied by Israel in 1967 and represents the heart of the decades-long Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Since March, at least 118 Palestinians have been martyred and thousands more injured by Israeli army gunfire during anti-occupation protests near the Gaza-Israel security fence.

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