S.Africa confirms 47 new COVID-19 deaths, 548 cases

President Cyril Ramaphosa Monday confirmed that S.Africa has secured 30M Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines

ANKARA (AA) - South Africa saw 47 COVID-19-related deaths on Monday only, bringing the tally of confirmed deaths so far to 52,710, South Africa’s health minister has said.

Over conducting 16,123 COVID-19 tests in the country of almost 60 million population 548 people tested positive on Monday for the novel virus, Zwelini Mkhize announced on Monday.

“Our cumulative recoveries today stand at 1,472,645, representing a recovery rate of 95%,” he confirmed.

Since the first case was detected in the country last year, the total number of COVID-19 tests conducted across the country has reached 9,819,994, according to the minister’s update.

He also announced that the number of health care workers vaccinated hit 239,665 by Monday.

South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa on Monday confirmed that his country has so far secured 30 million Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines.

“As you well know, we’ve got a multi-supplier system of acquiring vaccines, Johnson & Johnson is one of those that we’re buying vaccines from and there are a number of others,” the South African Government News Agency quoted Ramaphosa as saying.

Referring to the “great competition around the world” on acquiring vaccines, he stressed that his administration is now more focused on the process, and said: "We’ve got to acquire vaccines as quickly as possible so that we can save our people’s lives.”

Remarking on criticism regarding the slow pace of the country’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout, Ramaphosa explained that this was due to a global shortage of vaccines.

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