Saudi envoy hails Turkish people on coup anniversary

The Saudi envoy said that his country was keen on bolstering relations with Turkey

By Emad Matar

ISTANBUL (AA) – Saudi Arabia has reiterated support for Turkey on the first anniversary of a failed coup attempt against the democratically-elected Turkish government.

In a statement on Saturday, Saudi ambassador in Ankara Walid bin Abdul Karim el-Khreiji hailed awareness of the Turkish people in their support for the Turkish leadership against all plots that target the country's security and stability.

Turkey survived a deadly coup attempt on July 15 of last year, launched by rogue elements within the military that martyred 250 people and injured nearly 2,200 others.

According to the Turkish government, the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO) and its U.S.-based leader Fetullah Gulen orchestrated the defeated coup.

Ankara also accuses FETO of being behind a long-running campaign to overthrow the state through the infiltration of Turkish institutions, particularly the military, police, and judiciary.

“Some events become turning points in the history of the people of which comes the failed coup attempt in Turkey," the Saudi envoy said.

He described the failed coup as an “exceptional, crucial and effective” step in the history of the Turkish people.

"On that day, the Turkish people have stood by their leadership and fought vigorously against all plots seeking to undermine the country's security and stability," he said.

“The Ankara government, for its part, has realized that it was facing big challenges that need to be dealt with wisely and decisively and decided to take the country to a new phase, taking into consideration the interests of the people,” the envoy said.

The Saudi envoy said that his country was keen on bolstering relations with Turkey.

"I'm confident that all people in the Islamic world stand by the Turkish people on [the coup anniversary]," he said.

“We wish the Turkish people more security and prosperity and to stand firmly against all plots that target Turkey's security and stability."

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