Turkey: 3 arrested in anti-drug operation

Operations carried out in Sakarya and Trabzon provinces

By Ugur Subasi, Seyit Ahmet Eksik

SAKARYA, Turkey (AA) - At least three suspects were arrested during an anti-narcotics operation in northern Turkey, said a security source on Wednesday.

During the raid, police seized an undisclosed amount of marijuana and two blank cartridge guns in Vakfikebir and Besikduzu districts in Black Sea province of Trabzon, said the source, who asked not to be named due to restrictions on speaking to the media.

In another operation in the northwestern province of Sakarya, anti-narcotics units confiscated more than eight kilograms of heroin hidden inside a barrel full of cheese.

Anti-narcotics units stopped a bus in Sapanca district over a tip-off, detaining one suspect, only known by initials N.K.

The suspect was remanded into custody after he appeared in court, said another security source.

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