Turkey gives over 91.7M COVID-19 jabs so far

More than 47M people have received 1st doses, over 36M fully vaccinated, says Health Ministry

By Faruk Zorlu and Handan Kazanci

ANKARA (AA) - Turkey has administered more than 91.7 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines since launching a mass immunization campaign in January, according to official figures on Thursday.

Over 47.2 million people have received their first vaccine dose, while more than 36.1 million are fully vaccinated, the Health Ministry said.

Turkey has also given third booster shots to over 8.1 million people.

The data showed that at least 76.12% of the country's adult population has received at least one dose of a two-shot vaccine.

The ministry also reported 19,616 new coronavirus cases, pushing the total to over 6.03 million. As many as 257 more people have died of the disease, bringing the death toll to 52,869.

Last week, Turkey expanded its intensive vaccination campaign to include everyone 15 and over, as well as children at least 12 years old who have a chronic disease.

Since December 2019, the pandemic has claimed over 4.46 million lives in 192 countries and regions, with more than 214.1 million cases reported worldwide, according to the US' Johns Hopkins University.

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