Turkey, Serbia to continue joint police drills

Serbia's interior minister thanks Turkey for assistance in combating coronavirus

By Talha Ozturk

BELGRADE, Serbia (AA) - Turkey and Serbia on Friday agreed to continue with their joint police drills.

The announcement came after a meeting between Serbia's Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin and Turkey's Ambassador to Belgrade Tanju Bilgic.

Vulin said the cooperation between the two countries is excellent, especially in the areas of preventing irregular migration, and the fight against terrorism and organized crime.

He also thanked Turkey for medical assistance to Serbia in the face of the pandemic.

Ambassador Bilgic invited the Serbian interior minister for a meeting with his Turkish counterpart Suleyman Soylu.

Every summer, Turkish police officers arrive in Serbia to hold joint border patrols and help Turkish citizens crossing Serbian borders.

Turkey and Serbia in 2019 signed an agreement to fight crime and international terrorism.

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