Turkish, Egyptian first ladies inspect Red Crescent's Gaza aid efforts

‘I received information about activities of Red Crescent and aid efforts for Gaza,” Emine Erdogan says

By Seda Sevencan

ISTANBUL (AA) - Türkiye’s first lady Emine Erdogan and her Egyptian counterpart Entissar El Sisi paid a visit to the Egyptian Red Crescent in Cairo on Wednesday to inspect the organization's aid efforts for Gaza.

"I received information about the activities of Red Crescent and its aid efforts for Gaza," Erdogan said on X, posting pictures from the visit.

“Since Oct. 7, we appreciate the efforts of Egyptian institutions and civil society associations to deliver humanitarian aid to our Palestinian brothers," she added.

The Turkish first lady said so far, in coordination with the Egyptian Red Crescent, over 7,000 tons of aid supplies had been delivered to Gaza from Türkiye via planes and ships.

In Türkiye many civil society organizations collaborate with Egyptian NGOs and the Egyptian Red Crescent through disaster agency AFAD and the Turkish Red Crescent to provide assistance, Erdogan said.

Türkiye will continue its efforts to ensure uninterrupted aid to war-torn Gaza, she said, adding: "I extend my gratitude to everyone who contributed to aid" for the blockaded enclave.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan paid a visit to Cairo on Wednesday for a historic official visit, part of a continuing effort to develop bilateral ties.

Last July, Türkiye and Egypt raised their diplomatic ties and appointed ambassadors. Ties between the two countries had been at the level of charges d'affaires since 2013.

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