Turkish police capture 36 Daesh/ISIS, Al-Qaeda terror suspects

Terrorists arrested in 11 provinces as part of Operation Heroes-45 over past 3 days, says interior minister

By Dilara Hamit

Police in Türkiye captured 36 Daesh/ISIS and Al-Qaeda terror suspects from 11 provinces over the past three days, Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya said on Thursday.

The suspects were arrested as part of Operation Heroes-45, Yerlikaya said on X, adding that Türkiye will not allow any terrorist to disrupt the peace, unity and solidarity of the country.

The minister said that the operation also led to the seizure of $39,000, €11,000, 200,000 liras, and a significant amount of other foreign currencies, as well as numerous digital materials and documents.

“We will continue our fight uninterruptedly with the prayers of our nation and the superior efforts of our security forces,” he said.

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