Turkish police seize more than 170 kilograms of heroin

Drugs haul found in coach, minibus in separate seizures in Van, east Turkey, police say

By Necat Hazar

VAN, Turkey (AA) - Police in eastern Turkey on Wednesday seized 107 kilograms (236 pounds) of heroin hidden in the roof of an inter-city coach, officers said.

The coach was stopped in the city of Van on suspicion of being involved in drug trafficking, a police statement said.

Sniffer dogs uncovered the haul packed into the coach’s roof paneling.

The driver and another person on the bus were arrested on suspicion of transporting and trading in narcotics.

Also Wednesday, police uncovered 70 kilograms (154 pounds) of heroin hidden in the door panels of a minibus in Edremit, to the south of the lakeside city. Two occupants were arrested.

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