Türkiye’s national defense minister meets with officials in Iraq

Yasar Guler accompanied by Chief of General Staff Metin Gurak

By Esra Tekin

ISTANBUL (AA) – Türkiye’s National Defense Minister Yasar Guler visited the Iraqi capital Baghdad on Tuesday, accompanied by Chief of General Staff Gen. Metin Gurak.

Guler and Gurak met with a number of Iraqi officials, the National Defense Ministry said on X.

“Minister Yasar Guler, after being welcomed by Iraqi President Abdul Latif Rashid, met with Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani. Afterwards, he was welcomed with a military parade by his Iraqi counterpart Sabit Muhammed Riza El-Abbasi,” the ministry said.

The two ministers held confidential discussions and inter-delegation meetings.

During the sessions, there were exchanges of views on bilateral and regional defense and security matters.

Guler and Gurak also held a meeting with Qasim Mohammad Jalal al-Araji Hussaini, Iraq’s national security advisor.

“During his visit to the Interior Ministry, Guler held a meeting with Iraq's Interior Minister Abdul Amir al Shammari focusing on mutual and regional defense and security issues,” said the ministry.

Guler and Gurak also visited the Turkish Embassy in Baghdad.

“Completing their diplomatic engagements in Baghdad, National Defense Minister Yasar Guler along with Chief of General Staff General Metin Gurak proceeded to Erbil,” the ministry added.

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