Sofia Opera Ballet House to perform first opera in Türkiye in November

Sofia Opera Ballet House to perform first opera in Türkiye in November

Event aims to celebrate centenary of Turkish Republic, collect funds to send assistance to quake-hit cities in southeastern Türkiye

By Nur Asena Erturk

ANKARA (AA) – The Sofia Opera and Ballet House will perform an opera for the first time in Türkiye in November, according to a story published by Bulgarian news agency BTA.

"Giacomo Puccini's Tosca will be staged at the State Opera and Ballet in Ankara on Nov. 8 and at the Atatürk Cultural Centre in Istanbul on Nov. 11," the SOBH announced Tuesday.

The performance falls in the context of SOBH's tour, "Bulgaria Congratulates Turkey: Happy Centenary of the Republic!", organized by the Bulgarian Embassy in Ankara under the aegis of Bulgaria's First Lady Desislava Radeva and Türkiye's First Lady Emine Erdogan.

The event aims to collect funds to send assistance to the cities hit by two earthquakes in southeastern Türkiye in February.

Türkiye celebrates the centenary of the republic on Oct. 29.

Kaynak:Source of News

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