Soldiers do maintenance on tank in Bakhmut, eastern Ukraine

Soldiers do maintenance on tank in Bakhmut, eastern Ukraine

Ukrainian soldiers do vital maintenance work amid operations targeting Russian trenches in Donetsk region

By Diego Herrera Carcedo

DONETSK, Ukraine (AA) - Ukrainian soldiers near the city of Bakhmut in the country's eastern Donetsk region are doing maintenance work on military equipment vital for the ongoing war.

Maintenance work on a tank near the front line in Bakhmut continued as Ukrainian forces targeted trenches under the control of Russian forces through the Donetsk Oblast.

The city of Bakhmut, a transport and logistics hub in the eastern Donetsk region, a part of the largely Russian-speaking industrialized Donbas region that Moscow illegally annexed last year, has been the site of fierce fighting between Russia and Ukraine.​​​​​​​

*Writing by Burc Eruygur in Istanbul

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