Somali parliament gives premier 10 more days to form government

Somali parliament gives premier 10 more days to form government

Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre missed 30-day deadline to select Cabinet

By Mohammed Dhaysane

MOGADISHU, Somalia (AA) - Somalia's parliament on Monday gave Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre 10 more days to form a government.

Barre has already missed the original 30-day deadline.

He was appointed by President Hassan Sheikh Mahamud in early June after he received a vote of confidence from all 220 members of parliament.

Omar Balash, a federal lawmaker, told reporters on Monday he is hoping that the prime minister will form his Cabinet in the coming days.

All 20 previous prime ministers since 1969 in the Horn of Africa nation appointed their Cabinet line-ups within 30 after getting house approval.

Barre on Monday met with religious leaders and is in consultation with the civil society.

“The Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia, Mr. @HamzaAbdiBarre who is in the midst of important meetings and consultations with the various sections of the community organizations today received the Somali clerics,” said a statement issued by the Prime Minister's Office.

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