South Korea receives nearly 2,000 suspicious parcels over past 4 days

South Korea receives nearly 2,000 suspicious parcels over past 4 days

Reports spark fears packages could contain hazardous or poisonous material

By Anadolu staff

ANKARA (AA) - Nearly 2,000 reports of suspicious parcels have been received from across South Korea over the past four days, police said on Sunday, amid concern they might contain hazardous materials, Yonhap News Agency reported.

As many as 257 new reports related to the delivery of dubious parcels were filed in the last 12 hours, bringing the total number of such reports to 1,904, according to the National Police Agency.

Of the new reports , 587 packages were collected by police for investigation, while the remaining were mistaken reports.

Reports of suspicious parcels began coming in on Thursday, stoking fears that they could contain hazardous or poisonous material. However, no such substances have been found so far as most packages contained lip balm or other cheap products. Some parcels delivered were found empty.

Police are looking into the possibility of a scam aimed at boosting sales and manipulating sellers' ratings on online shopping sites.

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